Every business knows that Goods and Service Tax (GST) is essential, but it can be perplexing to calculate GST and understand how the system works. GC Accountants are experts in GST and business activity statements (BAS). We’ve assisted clients all over Newcastle and the Hunter Valley with business GST advice and BAS returns.
Our GST and BAS services include, but are not limited to:
- advice on BAS and GST
- bookkeeping services
- lodging BAS returns
- preparation of working papers.
According to the Australian government, if your business has a GST turnover of over $75,000, you must register for GST. Alternatively, if your non-profit organisation has a GST turnover of over $150,000, you must also register for GST. For many companies, this may mean:
- adding GST to prices
- sending that money to the Australian Tax Office (ATO)
- claiming back GST on business expenses like supplies and income.
This process can be extremely time-consuming and confusing, and, incorrectly done, could lead to significant penalties. GC Accountants help you to organise GST and BAS Accounting Services.
We advise companies on many GST and BAS issues
Understanding GST and BAS
If you’ve just started a business, we can help you decide if you need to register for GST. As your company grows, we can monitor your turnover rate. Then, if you need to register for GST, we can aid with all the forms and paperwork. Our team also advises on large or small business and BAS lodgement, which occurs every quarter and reports on:
- how much your business has sold
- the price of goods and services
- how much GST was charged
- how much GST your company spent.
GC Accountants can recommend possible deductions that can be claimed as business expenses—achieving the highest likely return on your tax. In addition to advice, we provide:
- detailed bookkeeping services to ensure your business is BAS compliant
- assistance with lodging and amending your BAS returns
- managing organised reports
- in-depth analysis of your business, GST, and expenditures.
Keeping these detailed records and preparing detailed working papers will protect your business in case of an ATO audit—saving you some stress.

GC Accountants take the headache out of BAS and tax time!
We offer comprehensive Registered BAS Agent Services and GST solutions. Our Certified Accountants make everything easier, saving you a lot of time and trouble in case of auditing or missed GST payments. If you’d like to find out more about how GST or BAS could affect your business, then reach out to GC Accountants today.

Copyright GC Accountants.
ABN: 46 108 440 768
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation