Our Insights. Your Wealth.

Moving to e-signatures for company formalities
The Government has suggested that around one million businesses will save about $450 million in red tape each year, due to reforms seeking to make

Small Employers, it’s time to get serious about Single Touch Payroll
The ATO has recently advised that it will begin a ‘failure to lodge penalty’ process for small business employers (i.e., those with 19 or fewer

COVID-19 tests declared tax deductible, for the 2022 Financial year
Yep, that’s right! The Government is taking action to ensure that COVID‑19 tests (including Antigen Tests) are tax deductible for hard‑working Australians. Also exempt from

2022 Small Business Support Program Coming Soon
The 2022 Small Business Support Program is designed to help businesses survive the immediate impact of the Omicron COVID-19 strain. It is for the month

Have You Secured The Current Wage Subsidy Opportunity Yet?
Are you looking to start a new apprentice or trainee? Under the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) and Completing Apprenticeship Commencements (CAC) wage subsidies, any employer

Payments extended to 30 November 2021. Payments will be tapered in line with the easing of restrictions. When NSW reaches: • 70% double vaccination, payments