Self Managed Superannuation
GC Accountants can assist you with all aspects of Self Managed Superannuation establishment and administration. You can use the money in your super and set up a Self Managed Super Fund that works for you and your family!
There are many reasons why our small business owners use Self Managed Super Funds for their financial future. Some of the benefits include:
- You can own the business premises you work from and rent the building back to your own organisation
- If you choose to retire, you can enjoy tax free benefits…even potentially no capital gains tax
- Long term security with no end of lease or unexpected rent increases
- Extra control over your super so you can make it grow faster
Our team is able to offer you the expert SMSF services
We help you assess all the possible risks and can provide advice on whether acquiring a business premises through your SMSF is an appropriate strategy for you and your fund. Rules for SMSF’s are regularly and continuously changing, so it is best to set up your SMSF with a specialist in the area.
We specialise in the following key areas;
- Establishment of Self Managed Superannuation trust deed
- Establishment of an Australian company to act as Corporate Trustee of the fund
- SMSF Borrowing to invest – comprehensive technical advice on how to satisfy the complex SMSF borrowing rules
- Fund record-keeping solutions including Xero.

Copyright GC Accountants.
ABN: 46 108 440 768
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation